Vendor Application
Welcome Vendors!
We invite you to be part of the 2025 Connecticut Garlic & Harvest Festival, to be held October 11-12, 2025. We accept vendors selling garlic or food related merchandise, or hand-made crafts. Returning vendors will be emailed an application in early February for our 2025 event, and will be given until the end of February to return their applications to be guaranteed their spots back. Beginning March 1st, remaining spaces will be made available to new vendors (vendors that were not present at our 2024 event). A “Vendor Inquiry Form” will be available below at the time. New prospective vendors must fill out and submit the below “Vendor Inquiry Form” form to be considered for a space. Vendors selected for a space will then be emailed an application. We accept vendors selling garlic or food related merchandise, or hand-made crafts. Occasionally, exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis. Spaces will be granted to those vendors that we feel will be the best fits for our event. Factors taken into consideration will include the number of vendors already registered selling similar merchandise, and how well your setup fits with our garlic/ food theme.
Attention Food Concessionaires: New food concessionaires must first submit a proposed menu to and receive approval before sending in an application. New food concessionaires are chosen based on their ability to best conform to our garlic theme. Returning food concessionaires will have until July 1st to submit their 2025 application to be guaranteed their spot back. After July 1st, all remaining food court spaces will be rented on a first-come, first-served basis as long as space permits and there are no menu duplications.
Advertise your business on the fence near our entry gates! This opportunity is available to all businesses, whether you have a booth at our event or not. Our event typically sees approximately 15,000 attendees a day. Get the word out about your business by hanging a banner or sign on the fence near one of our entry gates! Excellent visibility for a low fee. Application is now available below.
Application for Fence Advertising ’25
CT Garlic & Harvest Festival Rules & Regulations 2025
For your convenience, the following forms from Torrington Area Health are available below if needed. You are required to apply for a permit from Torrington Area Health if you are a concessionaire serving food for immediate on-site consumption, or a vendor offering samples on site. The “Temporary Food Service Application” must be filled out by concessionaires serving food for immediate on-site consumption. Vehicles/ trailers listed as itinerant/ mobile food vendors by TAHD need not pay the $75 fee, however they must submit the temporary event application so TAHD will have record of their participation in our event. Vendors who plan to offer sampling must fill out the “Sample Booth Application” below, comply with all guidelines listed, and pay the associated $25 fee. Examples of a temporary hand washing station can be found on page 12 of the Temporary Food Service Application below. These forms must be submitted with payment directly to Torrington Area Health at least two weeks prior to our event, or you will be subject to their $100 late fee.